Saffron Science™
Discover the unparalleled rejuvenating, medicinal, and divine properties of the world’s most expensive spice – saffron.
To create saffron skincare products that are both effective and luxurious, one must possess saffron expertise. Expertise in saffron requires deep respect for its history, and conscientious research into its science. We are eager to share with you Saffron Science™ – our skincare-specialized knowledge of saffron.
Saffron’s uses in natural medicine are diverse. It is used as an anti-catarrhal, anti-spasmodic, nerve sedative, gingival sedative, diaphoretic, carminative and expectorant. Recent studies have found a range of positive effects associated with saffron, including: anti-cancer, anti-toxic, antioxidant, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerosis, anti-diabetic and insulin resistance, hypotensive, hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, antidepressant, and mood-improving.
In the world of skincare, saffron has ancient roots. Combining saffron with animal milk was used in bathing rituals across the ancient world. Saffron has been used in tribal skincare to lighten dark spots and rejuvenate the skin’s natural glow. Modern research is playing catch up with the ageless wisdom behind saffron’s medicinal uses. Today, modern science is seeking to decode saffron's protective benefits, including its high levels of antioxidant activity, immunoregulatory properties, and anti-inflammatory mechanisms. We invite you to explore some of the science that informs us.
Saffron’s Benefits